Saturday, May 26, 2007

What a week

Have not had the best of weeks.

Am actually feeling rather low today. Have had family issues, money problems, housework, school issues, everything being left to me to fix and put on my shoulders and on top of that am feeling really depressed about the way I look and the fact that it is raining and cold and I don't have one piece of winter clothing that fits me as last winter I was pregnant and the winter before that I was almost 72kg!

So after spending most of today wallowing around in my own misery I hoped on the computer to catch up on everyone else's lives. Paulene is so hyped at the moment to be back on the weightloss bandwagon and back at the gym and also Jules who is hit virgin fat and Janene who is back to tracking and back in her jeans and I thought to myself "stop feeling sorry for yourself girl and do something about it"

So I am going to! I know I have been saying that for weeks but I have to now. For my peace of mind. I want to be happy again and the only one who can do anything about it is me. So fingers crossed everyone and send me your positive thoughts.


Chris H said...

You know what you have to do to get happy again, so go for it! We are behind you 100% chick....

Lyn said...

Yep!! Agree with Chris. You have to read my post from Saturday! It is totally up to ourselves to do what we need to do for us!

I know how hard it is to get above all the stress, but you can do this!!

Jules said...

It's very hard to focus on what you need to do for yourself when you have little ones that need so much attention. I am right in the thick of it with you Kim.

My housework is behind, my kids are lacking attention and my new dog is thrown in the middle of it all. I am managing to focus on food because I have gone gluten free and it is easier to do something when there are so many things you just CAN'T eat.

You need to deal with the emotions of it all and make some time for yourself!!!!!

Karen said...

Just seeing how you are doing hun? Hope you and your beautiful kids are doing ok.... said...


Come back to us soon babe!!


Cheers P