Friday, September 21, 2007

Week 2

Sorry for lack of updates over the last week. No real reason, just flat out with day to day stuff.

Weighin this morning for week 2 of the challenge. A loss of 600gms, down to 91.8kg. Woohoo. Only 700gms to go to my next goal. Finished the week on 145.5/154 points (including points for unplanned takeaway on Wednesday) with 9 bonus points from exercise. The only negative to report is that my water intake dropped significantly.

Now call me a glutton for punishment or what but to try and help my exercise rate, yesterday I signed up to do letterbox distributions. I got a phone call last night saying that they needed me right away and this morning I got my first lot of catalogues. I am supposed to do 405 houses but only got enough to do 349 and I start tomorrow. I have Saturday and Sunday to deliver them. Then I get another lot to do Tues/Wed. I was lucky enough to get my street (which is one big circle) and the surrounding street so what I can do is set off on the big circle. Finished that and come back to the house to stock up for my street instead of having to take them all with me at once. Even if I do one lot tomorrow and the other lot on Sunday. The money isn't that crash hot ($36 twice a week) but like I said to Pete, I walk past all of these houses so why not make some money from it. It will be enough to get all of our Christmas pressies and some bills taken care of, even if I only do it to Christmas. The only thing I didn't think of was folding them all. DOH! but hey it only took me 2 hours.

Well must shoot off, Caitlyn is narky and I have to pick Bethany up in 15 minutes.

Hope everyone has a great weekendd.


Chris H said...

Hey! THink of the exercise too, awesome mate. Every little bit helps, money is good too for doing bugger all!!!! way to go!

Lyn said...

yay another loss ... well done chickey!!!