Thursday, January 24, 2008

I know, I know.

I know, I promised regualar updates and have slacked off considerably but things have been hectic around here.

I went into work on Thursday and told them that I wouldn't be staying the extra 4-6 weeks. Mark(my boss) was great. He rang the employment agency and told them that I had a permanent job. When I rang them, my consultant, Rebecca, told me that Mark was really upset to be losing me but they could not offer me a part time job yet as they weren't allocated that kind of position in the budget. They had just fought to get 6 permanent full time staff (the jobs are advertised next week). Tuesday was to be my last day and I would start the Spotlight job on Wednesday.

Friday weighed in with another stay the same. Can't move a bloody gram at the moment but I spose that happens when you don't do anything about it.

Tuesday, Bethany woke up throwing up. Ended up having to take the day off work (last day!) but went in for 30mins to hand in security card and say goodbye. Mark asked me to leave my name and number for future reference and as I left wished me good luck with the new job but if it went pear-shaped to give him a call. I must have done a good job. That afternoon, seeing that I was home at a decent time and the girls were actually in bed before 8pm, I went for my first 30min walk of the new year. It felt great to actually be doing something!

Yesterday went to new job (after Peter waking up throwing up, at least Bethany was better) from 10am to 3pm. When I got there I was told the job wasn't permanent it was only casual. And you know what I did for the day. I spent 2 hours with the manager reading my employment paperwork to me out loud. Had 10 min break for water and spent the next 2 hours and 50mins sorting out ribbon (putting the right colours together on the shelves). As I left the manager said to me, see you tomorrow, we'll go through some more documents and then find something else for you to do. In short, IT SUCKED.

I got home and said to Pete and Mum that I had made the biggest mistake of my life. I had left a job that I thoroughly enjoyed, loved and was good at for a crap job that I might still be lucky to have in 2 weeks. As you said Lyn, which job do I enjoy? So I rang Mark and you know what he said "I expected to hear from you but not so soon. Can you come back tomorrow or would you like to have tomorrow and Friday off and come back next week"

Hows that! I said that I would come back today (need the money). He is still willing for me to got to part time hours from next week so I will be able to take Bethany to school and pick her up. Today he called the employment agency and told them I was back. On the way home I rang Rebecca to ask how long he had extended my contract for and she said he wanted it ongoing and "it sounds like he wants to keep you". I'm wrapt. Even if it is only for another 6 weeks but I would like it to be permanent.

And with all that going on, I still managed to go for a walk yesterday afternoon and today too. Three days running! And each day I can walk a bit further in my 30mins. Soon I will be back to where I was.

And speaking of walking, on Friday, Caitlyn took her first steps. As of today she will get up and walk about a dozen steps by herself and then drop or she will walk the entire length of the house holding our hands. She has even walked holding Bethany's hand, which thrilled Bethany.

So as you can see, busy things going on but as of next week things should start to settle when I start my part-time routine.

I promise I will be back tomorrow to let you know how weigh in goes.


Lyn said...

I'm so glad it worked out for you! The reason I gave that advice was because Bill took a new job a few years back because of the money (around a $30,000 payrise) and left a job that he thoroughly enjoyed. The new job ended up being a fizzer and he only lasted 3mths in it (did well to last that long) ... so as you have found out ... money is not everything! Glad you did what your heart told you to do!!

Chris H said...

That Spotlight job has me shaking my head! Wasn't it advertised as permanent? Good riddance eh? Lucky you still had the other job. Good luck with weigh in.