Monday, January 29, 2007

12 Week Challenge - Day 1

Well today is day 1 for me for the New Year 12 week challenge being run by Paulene.
My starting weight: 95.6kg (geez I knew I ate bad over the last week but I didn't think it was THAT bad!)
My goal for the challenge: to lose 500gm a week, taking me back to the 80's.

Day 1:
My eating hasn't been too bad. 2 pts for breakfast, 5 pts for tea but come dinner time I forgot that we promised Bethany last week to make homemade pizza. So I did the best I could. I went to my nearest supermarket and bought low fat mozzarella cheese and a totally different pizza base that was lower in fat, kj and points than the ones we usually use. I made myself a pizza with these ingredients and Pete and Bethany had their usual one. My pizza only consists of tomato paste, pineapple, bacon and the cheese so hopefully it wasn't too bad. Have had nearly a litre of water today, so thats a big step for me too. Haven't drunk so much water in a long time. Exercise was as usual my biggest downfall with not having time to get out and about although I did use my mums step machine in 5mins that I had free, so that's better than nothing. I can only hope to get out tomorrow or do more time on the machine.

On to other things. Tomorrow I am off to get Bethany's uniforms for school. I don't know if I have mentioned before that she has had to change schools this year because she is 700m outside the local intake area for the school she went to last year and they don't have enough places this year for people outside the boundaries. So we have had to pay out for all new uniforms and she has to make all new friends again. Luckily she hasn't taken it too badly. She thinks she had to change schools because now she goes all day instead of half days and also another of the girls who was in her class last year has also had to change for the same reasons so even if they are not in the same class they can meet at playtimes so she will know one person at least. Although, just yesterday we were driving past the road to her old school, like we do every single day (we live that close but hey what can you do) and she said out of nowhere "Mum I miss my old friends from school" so it does play on her mind a little. But she is really excited now that there are 3 sleeps to go!

Well enough from me. Hope everyone else has had a good start to the week and wish me luck to keep going good for the challenge, I'm gonna need it.



Chris H said...

Ok, good luck for the challenge! And hope Bethany enjoys her new school, it sucks you are just outta the zone. 3 more sleeps, lucky you, we have 8 more to go! boo hoo

Karen said...

Good luck for the challenge... I have the same goal as you - 500gms a week! We CAN do this!!!

Oh I have tagged you too, check out my blog for details :)