I must say I have just had the worst week weight-wise that I have had in a long time.
All my own fault of course.
Monday we had a party for Pete's birthday which involved cake and drinky drinks (have had any drinks in so long that I kind of had a couple too many)
Tuesday we went out for chinese for Pete's birthday (his birthday was actually Tuesday but because Monday was a public holiday we celebrated with friends on Monday and just us and the girls on Tuesday). But trying to be good only had one serving (no seconds) and no dessert but did have a soup entree. Also finally got TOM so am rather bloated.
Yesterday was our trip to the Annual Perth Royal Show. Tried to be good there too. Bought absolutely no showbags for myself. Had a choc milk (couldn't find the drinks van with the water and diet coke). Bought a chicken roll and chips for lunch but chips were disgusting so didn't eat them and then had our traditional hot donut in the car on the way home. Also bought myself the traditional toffee apple to eat after dinner. Not the best but could have been a lot worse. Usually there are lollies, chippies, chocolate, licorice and icecream so a vast improvement.
And since Sunday there has been absolutely no tracking but did do my walking right up until and including yesterday but am still expecting my first gain in quite some time. I just hope it's not too large. Have been very good today to try and ease it abit but with everything I have done, am expecting at least 1kg - 1.5kg but fingers crossed the gods will look down on me tonight and make it all go away. Yeah right LOL.
So will now leave you with a few pics from yesterday.
Bethany high atop the kiddie ferris wheel.
Finally having a nap after trying some free sample cookies.
My 2 girls at lunch time (not the best photo but it is so hard now to get a good pic of them at the same time!)
The 3 of us having a ride.
A tuckered out little bub at the end of the day with her new Dora doll.
How much hair does that little midget of yours have?? Crikey!!
I have moved blogs
Come visit when you have a spare minute.
Gorgeous photos of all of you.... the girls are just so cute. As for the awful week, mate it is only a week in the big scheme of things... you will do better next week for sure! Chin up. Have a fantastic weekend.
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